The West End is a unique place in Hartford and central Connecticut. We have terrific residents and businesses that give the neighborhood a special feel.

The West End Civic Association has been working to improve life in the West End for over 50 years, and depends on the participation and collaboration of everyone in the community.

Membership in WECA is free – it always has been free, and always will be free.

Please consider joining the effort and helping to make a difference by sharing your ideas and energy. Everyone is welcome.

Note that membership is tracked individually. Each person in a household needs to sign up to be considered a member.

Whether you are a member or not, please also consider subscribing to our email distribution list and/or liking our Facebook page. Those are the two best ways to receive updates.

Thank you!

Kyle Bergquist, President

Online Application
Please click here for the West End NRZ map
Please add additional email addresses here
I want to become more involved in WECA and would like information about these activities.
Check all that apply

Please click the Submit button to register and continue to the optional donation page. Thank you.