WECA 2022 Year End Review

Looking back on 2022, it was a busy year for WECA with volunteers organizing fun and impactful events. We were active both as a civic association, bringing the community together, and as a neighborhood revitalization zone speaking on behalf of residents on issues at the City level. Our volunteers also did quite a bit of work out of the public eye. Some was internal efforts to help the Association run smoothly, while other work was for the benefit of the community that we live in and serve.

RapidRoutes Bus Service Study

Metro Hartford Rapid Routes has been studying the ridership and service level of the CT Transit bus services along priority corridors in the region. The West End is included in the Farmington Avenue corridor, which links Downtown Hartford with West Hartford Center.

The goal of the study is to identify opportunities to improve the bus service by making it more efficient and more comfortable for riders. The study proposed a number of improvements to the physical infrastructure and the routes. In the West End the improvements take the form of fewer stops, and more amenities for riders at the stops that remain.

The study began by evaluating existing conditions along each route. Below are the findings for the Farmington Avenue corridor.

The study found that all five of the stops in the West End were well-used. The size of the circles in the chart represents the number of people per day who board the system at a particular stop. Since the font is rather small, I’ll note that 173 people boarded the bus per day at KFC (the 4th highest on the route, and the highest outside of Downtown Hartford), 115/day at Denison, 99/day at Whitney, and just under 99/day at both Oxford and Prospect. CT Transit is a popular service in the West End!

The current proposal for the Farmington Avenue corridor can be seen below.

Again, because the font is small, I’ll summarize what the schematic shows. There will be “Enhanced” stops for inbound riders at Prospect, and at Whitney. There will be a “Signature” stop for inbound riders at Denison. There will corresponding outbound stops at Denison, Whitney, and Prospect that will all be “Regular.” The stops at KFC/Girard and Oxford are eliminated.

Below are two figures showing the amenities associated with the different categories of stops.

Despite the investment in better quality stops, the reduction in the number of stops seems like a reduction in service quality for the West End.

Please consider submitting comments on the proposal to share your views. Comments can be emailed to info@metrohartfordrapidroutes.com.

City Land Use Commission Openings

The City of Hartford Planning Department oversees multiple commissions related to land use in the City. They currently have openings on their commissions that they are interested in filling.

Planning and Zoning Commission

1 vacant position for a full Commissioner – can be a Democrat.

Historic Preservation Commission

1 vacant position for an alternate Commissioner – can be a Democrat.

Zoning Board of Appeals

1 vacant position for a full Commissioner – must be from a minority party or non-affiliated;

1 vacant position for an alternate Commissioner – can be a Democrat.

Please submit resumes to oneplan@hartford.gov if interested in applying.